Guardian Angel - Accept And Create Your Needs And Desires
Guardian Angel - Accept And Create Your Needs And Desires
A willing participant in life is one who knows that they are creating their life as it occurs, not as it appears. The truth of the matter is clear, all people, places, and things have an energy source from which they flow. It is this flow, this love, that connects all. And at this time, it is coursing through your veins, anticipating your needs, yet listening to your wishes. As such, knowing what you want when you want it is an ideal source of income from with you may partake at any time. The richness of your life is not an anticipation, it is a gift of knowledge from which you draw your very breath. Creation, or that of knowledge from within, is in knowing that you are. And because you are, you may consistently create that which you desire. For it is in the listening of your heart, that you will know what to create in conjunction with our higher power. Know this, do this, be this presence of love from within your heart to find the way to your true self. Needs remain needs, so long as they do not hinder the growth within. The same holds true for wants. The two are not very dissimilar in that they are part of you. As such, warrant them as part of you, and when that has been completed, they will become- meaning they will appear.
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