Angel Guidance - Becoming Self-Aware And Being Mindful

Angel Guidance - Becoming Self-Aware And Being Mindful


Angel Guidance - Becoming Self-Aware And Being Mindful

At this time you are reading this, a million different "aspects" of yourself are in play. For this reason, the answer is clear, you are in control of it all. The ideas within your mind control your thoughts, meaning your focus on the matter at hand influences your consequences/events in your life. As such, controlling your thinking (being mindful) will attempt you the process of what is real. And by this we mean that all people, places, and things are connected. So for to reach your highest desire or true potential you must be aware of that which is around you. For in the environment for which you now stand, you now contemplate as well. Knowing these two are equivalent in the weight of your thoughts, you must be attuned to this area of expertise for which you now seek. Meaning, again, that how you view yourself and your surroundings greatly influences your thoughts. as such, be mindful today of your surroundings and keep an "open" mind to letting in the air for which you breathe. For it is in breath where your true nature lies. Breathing in the love you feel on the inside is equivalent to sharing it out with others. This will help to circulate that which is loving thoughts around the world. Know better, do better - by this we ask of you. So be it.


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