Angel Guidance - For Knowing True Desires Trust Your Heart Of Hearts

Angel Guidance - For Knowing True Desires Trust Your Heart Of Hearts

Angel Guidance - For Knowing True Desires Trust Your Heart Of Hearts

The way to your innermost desires is through your heart of hearts. This expression is a gift from God in that it dictates where to look in order to "know" what is right for you. Looking is the same as "seeing" in this case, which is the intuitive matter through which all flows. At this time, the heart is a tool in which to gauge your intuitive powers. For in knowing, the heart is pure. Meaning, the ill will towards man is vacant, and the feeling of love you have for self is overwhelmingly strong.

To know your heart is strong is to feel "as if." To know if you feel as if, act as if - when acting as if, you are preparing "for when." As if constitutes the body-mind connection. When acting as if and in kind towards the self, you are accepting in kind towards the self, which then brings into alignment the body-mind experience. This enables the manifestation of the true desire one is looking for. So, when looking into the heart of hearts, act as if. For when you do this, you will know if it feels "right" And if it feels right, you will think right as well. This manner of speaking is a known fact towards that of enlightenment ways. For when one acts and thinks in a certain manner, they bring about the result they were looking for. And to know your true desire, trust your heart of hearts is leading the way.


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