Angel Guidance - Breathing In Your Life
Angel Guidance - Breathing In Your Life
Many times, a person may not be aware of their potential. it is our kind to help achieve that goal, or statement they wish to fulfill on a daily basis. It is within their minds, yet not within their reach. It is our intention to help them achieve this status at hand.
All people, places, and things have purpose. and it is up to you, who are reading, to understand your own purpose for you, not the other way around. You were born ready and knowing, and as such, you may achieve glory for you in body, mind, and spirit just by believing in yourself at your highest potential for living, breathe. Allowing yourself this need, gives way to increase inherently that which is (present). Breathing is a gift of God in the sense that it is automatic to your body to want to breathe as a sign of life. So as life exists, you too must exist within awareness of yourself - knowing who you are, when you are. By concentration on your breathing you are better able to understand the need for it, thus use it at will to accept change. You may also use it to create the change you desire. Slow smooth breathing yields success. Fast increasing breathing yields desire. All in all, breathing is a tool to the desire for which you intend. Know this and place it to good use for you today and every day. It is of life, and you are of life - the life you choose to create. So be it.
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