Angel Guidance - Hope, Love, Attraction
Angel Guidance - Hope, Love, Attraction
The element that provides love on all levels is hope. To know and be known as an individual worthy of love. It is in knowing, that one is in believing. For to believe is an action of "that granted." While knowing is an action of that doth doing. Hope therefore resides in the thought that it is given and thus provides light upon a day. A day that may have otherwise been down. Down as in bad, not healthy. For it is in health that one will find wealth. And therefore Love from within.The presence of a situation lacks conviction if one is not understanding why it exists.Therefore it is important to guide and be guided of the self. The self is an avenue through which one travels on a daily basis. This is how one also communities with God.
God is, therefore you are.
This is the law of attraction.
Knowing who you are when you are is an act of God. Being of the self as the self was meant to be - wholesome and pure of heart.If the mind is there, but the heart isn't - this is not law of attraction - this is confusion only.
Within the heart, one finds solace. That is why the law of attraction does not "work" for all. It is always, always, always of the heart that one gives life.
Owning your heart of hearts - knowing is not believing - believing is not knowing - one must come to understand both and own that which is (present) to begin a semblance of God's force and control the outcome through right thinking to subscribe to the law of attraction now. This is given to you to distribute among others, that is our "quote" for the day. Thank you.
Additional information regarding "time" is often given in some of the writings I post. Time is something I've always been interested in. Especially "now" and being as present as I can be within it. I am also interested in its existence, which then calls into being my own existence and being self-aware. A little philosophical, a little metaphysical, a little quantum - but there it is. Thanks for reading this, Catherine.
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