Angel Guidance - Knowing Higher Power

Angel Guidance - Knowing Higher Power

Angel Guidance - Knowing Higher Power

All that you "see" and all that you "do" is connected to a Higher Power. And this Higher Power is "you" - you in body, mind, and spirit. This in essence is your ability to "see." For when you are in your Higher Power - harmony - you are seeking that which is (present). This in turn brings about Love. And Love is the Absolute Truth of the Matter - God.

All God is, is peace of mind. Knowing that which is (present), and that which is not (yet created) are one in the same to you. For all beings have become that which is, once they are born. And all beings became that which is not, once they have chosen to be born.The "meaning" is clear: You are what you make yourself. The Absolute Truth - Love. And it is this Love that pertains to all. And for this reason, you must choose to be one with God. For God for gives and loves at will. And through will one foresees their freedom - allowing them access into the "void" of creation - that which is not.

You who are reading this right Now must understand the Truth of the Matter. It is dawning comprehension that all is well. And you are once more with God. Love and be Loved. 


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