Guardian Angels - The Law of Give and Take

Guardian Angels - The Law of Give and Take

Guardian Angels - The Law of Give and Take

The Earth moves as you move.

When you stay stagnant  - not happy - the Earth does not move.
Given this thought of so, it is life that needs movement. As such, give your body movement. Give your body care. This is part of the Earth. The more you move, the more the Earth "lives." Body moves.

This gives a little "glimpse" into the "future" that you (humankind) created, for if you move - the Earth moves with you. This gives life. This is life. After it, there is another life that proceeds yours to a better, more appealing means, for your body to adjust to -

For when moving in alignment with Earth, you are at ease, and flowing in love. The understanding is thus - each being is a person, place, or thing. And in so doing "movement" they place a marker on the Earth. The marker - being unique to the person - gives movement of matter through the time. The time is love - for moving intentionally through love is a matter of time. Meaning Your movement is time. Time is love. For you - this gives precedence - this gives matter the opportunity (for lack of a better word) to understand what you need.

This is the law of give and take.

Giving what you desire - allows the Earth to retrieve it for you.

If you do not "know" what you want - then the Earth does not move.
Movement is key to survival. Else nothing happens - and that is why we write to Catherine now. The Earth is failing at moving.

The Earth is in jeopardy of crashing again into matter at hand. Matter at hand = Now. It is more comprehensible if you know of it/now. Meaning those who are aware of matter get this analogy of time. For time exists for no one when they are not looking/feeling/doing at the second it exists.

This is an inquiry to life when one supposes it is real for them. For the gift of God is clear - no one gives back what they can not receive. Meaning all in due time does one give back to what one has created. All in all, you create what you receive. This is movement. The kind that is required to live at the level one expects to live. At the level on intentions to live. Not the one that gives to live at any other means, as in why make what you do not want. Why give what you do not want to receive.

We know this is "long" and "lengthy" but the truth must be written for others to see. As it is in ones habitat to change how they feel, and change the way they move. It is awareness. And we write to have you be aware.

Additional information regarding "time" is often given in some of the writings I post. Time is something I've always been interested in. Especially "now" and being as present as I can be within it. I am also interested in its existence, which then calls into being my own existence and being self-aware. A little philosophical, a little metaphysical, a little quantum - but there it is. Thanks for reading this, Catherine.


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