Living From Within - Your Course Of Action
Living From Within - Your Course Of Action
As you ponder the outcome of a given situation, you can realize its potential to be whatever you imagine.
To question your motives and needs is a positive and relevant course of action. To achieve this thought pattern for yourself, all you must do is change your perspective. An easy step in changing your perspective is to use the word “need.”
Encouraging yourself to be acting in needful ways is a positive course of action for each task you undertake. All you must do is ask yourself, “Do I need to take this course of action?”
At a crossroads in your life, you can ask yourself which direction to take, and hear the answer as it is given to you. As you begin to use this method, you will become more comfortable in your thinking. This, in turn, will allow you to be more comfortable with yourself. Being more comfortable with yourself will bring you more trust in your decision-making. This trust removes doubt.
At this point, it becomes more inherent to you. At this point, you are more in flow with the universe and comfortable with yourself.
Affirmation: To develop your belief system for this step, always ask yourself, “Do I need to take this course of action?”
From the book Living From Within by Catherine Marie Bergman
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