Angel Guidance - You Within Harmony Of The Universe

You Within Harmony Of The Universe

Angel Guidance - You Within Harmony Of The Universe

Accepting who you are when you are is the doubt-less way to "be" one with the universe.

At all times, one is moving with the universe. To know and acknowledge this moment places you within harmony of the universe. Meaning you are in alignment with it and moving in conjunction with it, which allows you to see further into why you are here.

To know your true meaning is the highest vibration of all, and it is while within this vibration that you create that which you need to know. "To know" is to "have completed" the cycle for which the universe knows you individually, as in your unique imprint upon its very being for you. This way of thinking is difficult at best. To know and understand why you are here further complicates the system for which you have laid upon yourself according to "man." For when truly living as mankind intended, you do not relay yourself as yourself. But to be living within spirit, you do. This line of thinking is for the 'betterment' of mankind's ways. To know your true self and be your true self allows you spiritually to heal that which has been lost. At some point in time, there will come a 'day' that has all knowing. This is not the end of time. It is the awaking of spiritual ingenuity. For some this process has already begun. For others it is coming soon. We relay to you what is kind and true for you to achieve well-being. All people are not lost, they each have a unique position in which to follow their heart's desires. All love from within you so flows as to be in harmony with spirit. Allow it to engulf you and enhance your situation at every turn you take. Love is, therefore, you are.


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