Catherine Marie Bergman - Intuitive Author and Artist

Published Books

The Book of Wealth and Well-Being contains the wealth and value of mankind’s presence on Earth, and the well-being one needs for healthy living. It is meant as a guide to the knowledge for which all are privy to, if they so choose to read it. This book is about prospering on Earth as yourself and contains Divine knowledge that provides information about Natural Laws and the Law of Attraction. The Book of Wealth and Well-Being is meant to enlighten the reader, and as a result, enlighten Mankind. Published 2018.

The Autobiography of My Guardian Angel is written from the perspective of Catherine Bergman's guardian angel and contains Divine words from above to be read by Humankind. 

The world above is so below. All you see, and do not see, comes from within. Guardian Angels assist in all areas of life and guidance provided through this book relays how Humankind can live freely and in harmony through their inherent knowledge. Published 2016.

 Living From Within Living From Within is about achieving balance and harmony between body, mind, and spirit, through self-awareness and intuition. The book is broken down into three sections, each containing steps that enhance your level of self-awareness. Working through the steps, concepts, and affirmations, help change your mindset from a depressed state to a loving and self-aware state. Published 2017; first published in print 2004.

Author Catherine Marie Bergman

Author and Artist Catherine Marie Bergman
I am a natural intuitive spiritual writer and artist. It is my passion to help individuals achieve a higher level of self-awareness because all beings are part of the Whole.

"In taking care of ourselves, we can positively impact the world around us."

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