Angel Guidance - The Mind's Eye
Angel Guidance - The Mind's Eye
The way to reach one's true potential is to create it first within the mind. All one need do is ask for it, and it shall be received. All people are privy to knowing that which is Now. It is the moment of "truth" within one's mind. This is the capsule of knowledge one is bestowed upon birth. All may acknowledge this truth of the matter, yet there are those who do not.
To tap into this wisdom you were born with all one must do is relax and breathe, then let go. It is a willing participant's exchange of ideas within the realm of the possible through which this occurs, thinking. Think the thought for it to appear within the mind's eye. This is where the doubt does not enter. Only that which is pure remains within the mind's eye. The mind's eye is but a piece of heaven felt on earth. It is how one communicates with the unknown matter yet to be created by you on Earth. This way to create is through the minds thought on matter at hand. Meaning, create the essence within your heart, and the mind will acknowledge it as true, for which it then becomes real.
The essence of being is the moment of truth one receives by acknowledging their true behavior - pure love.
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