Guardian Angel - That which is Now...

Guardian Angel - That which is Now...

Guardian Angel - That which is Now...

All "requirements" for life, are not "dictated" by you. There are outside influences of which you see and hear, and ingest. For this reason, you must be willing to change your thought pattern in such a way that you realize the truth of the matter instead. By this I mean "your life, your way."

Each person is given a blueprint prior to birth. It is of the blue print that you navigate innately through life. It is your thought pattern that impedes your actions to or fro the blue print.

Why is this so you may ask? It is because not all beings were sought to think. But in thinking you become more than what is necessary for life (breath). The evolution of your thought patterns is but an agent for self worth of this lifetime of being one with Nature, the natural order of things.

My meaning may not be clear at this time, but my point is. Not all human beings see and act the same way. This is so because we make it so. One person may react and act differently than another so that they may better understand themselves within the "big scheme of things," which in turn better places them within the big scheme of things for all. This in turn makes there placement more so into alignment with all others at this time of Now.

Each person's thoughts do dictate their actions. And it is for this reason, intentional thinking is best. For when thinking intentionally, one supersedes their expectations of this time.

When one is superseding their expectations, they are laying the groundwork for more love in their life, because they are exceeding/ thus receiving all they need for the time being. This is God's grace with man, flow. And it is through flow which all resides.

Life is, therefor, you are. By believing and receiving all there is, you in turn become all there is. This type of flow supersedes/overrides the next, meaning you become one with the universe. At this time, you (Catherine) are now one with the universe in typing this statement: ALL ARE. THUS ALL WILL BE NOW. This is a powerful statement to adhere to. In knowing you are now, you become the very element of it. This is where all traction goes. Becoming Now means your are moving in the "right" direction. Acting as if you know the true meaning of life is the very essence of being who you are when you are. Say it, mean it, do it, flow. Not all may understand the 'blue print' to be at the forefront of their minds. It is not necessary. It is what feels right, it is what seems right, it is what one innately chooses to do. Be it laundry or weightlifting, racing or just driving... it is not just the 'meaning of life' --- all actions require work on your part. At every moment you are acting and being who you were meant to be... reading this right now is an action on your part and thus being who you were meant to be. Right now is the matter, the energy through which you create life as you know it. Understand this and open the door to new possibilities in your life of greater proportions. Say it, think it, mean it, do it.

I was thinking a lot this past week on "why" and "what now" - and then just going with the flow. I do believe this statement/writing above is a response to those actions I took. 

And I will say this, in doing "what's next" is much easier when I intentionally create what I need. I intentionally and mindfully thought throughout the week: I am easily and effortlessly creating and manifesting what I need, and receiving it in my divine right time of now.


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