Guardian Angel - It Is Of Spirit And The Divine Through Which All Flows

Guardian Angel - It Is Of Spirit And The Divine Through Which All Flows

Guardian Angel - It Is Of Spirit And The Divine Through Which All Flows

Each person is "aware" of their surroundings subconsciously. It is through this awareness that they become "known" in body, mind, and spirit presence. For it is through their specific presence on Earth that they fulfill their true desires for self. Self being the One source through which all flows. This amount of knowledge is gained by spirit alone, and can be accessed at any given time. For it is through time that all else flows. I can relay a time when Catherine knew of this whole heartedly and withdrew from her mind the presence of time that is All. It was through this self awareness that she wrote Autobiography of My Guardian Angel. At all times, I was aware of her, and she was aware of my guidance put forth through words. This acknowledgement of the "known" elements of man, are what makes spirit so powerful to man. For it is Of Spirit and the Divine through which all flows ceaselessly into the abstract mind and continues your presence on Earth. 

Continued witness to these "miracles" brings man's own existence to a formation of all sums. No one is without the other, yet all are individually unique in form, place, and shape. Meaning you are, when you are, and that is all. So put forth the effort to know of the Now, and let go of all inhibitions and fears. For it is Now time to be of service to yourself, and others, by being the You you were meant to be. Self is Now. And being of the Self now, you become one with the universe as a whole. And thus God's "will" for man. Understand? Each person is an individual, yet each person's individuality becomes that of man. So when you are yourself, you are putting forth the energy that substitutes as a known entity of God's will for you. Thus it is part of all/everything. 

This is why you, the person reading, must understand God's grace for you is to be loving and generous of yourself at all times. When loving the self, as the self was meant to be, you become love on all levels in body, mind, and spirit. Amen.


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