Angel Guidance - Your Value And Well-Being Is Significant

Angel Guidance - Your Value And Well-Being Is Significant

Angel Guidance - Your Value And Well-Being Is Significant

Knowing your true essence brings about love on all levels within body, mind, and true spirit. Your true spirit is "that which is" and that is the true nature of "Now."

By being in the Now of your life, your are adhering to the abilities and strengths which are your own well-being. Well-being is a natural state of oneness with God, and God is that from whence we came. This one source of light and powerful well-being that is your true nature found within enables you to be the person you were meant to be while on Earth.

This earthly state of knowing who you are, is a combination of wealth and well-being on a very spiritual level. This level is unique to you and holds the key to the universe. This is why what you think, you become. Because it is your thinking that is unique to you on a molecular level. This being of consciousness brings about change through energetic means of matter. This matter is also your true nature. For it is meant as a leading, guiding force put forth through God's grace (spirituality of a higher means). By this we man that God's grace facilitates growth, Growth in this manner is conscious effort of change for the good and betterment of mankind's ways. For it is on Earth that humans are whole and complete. No two are alike, thus there is more than one way to achieve a goal, an intention, a desire, and each may be met in full.

Thinking of your conscious being as a separate entity unlike the self is a wrong approach to the betterment of your true value. Whole on Earth, and complete on Earth you are, else you would not "matter." Thus, thinking as a truly natural healthy, wealthy, human being on all levels of you (body, mind, and spirit) brings you closer to God - that loving state of growth through which all may unite as one.


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