Angel Guidance - Your True Nature

Angel Guidance - Your True Nature

Angel Guidance - Your True Nature

It is from within your heart where all nature lies. It is founded within the universe through a "cord" through which all enter. It is how one receives intuitive "messages" from their Guardian Angel. The spirit will move a person, if but they let it. It is how one coincides with their true nature; that of body, mind, and spirit.

One must travel within to understand more of themselves; this is how all good begins. The understanding of the self is central to knowing and further understanding the universe as a whole; that of which you are a part of. All earthly creatures know their true essence in body, mind and spirit once they allow themselves to fully emerge in the experience of Love. It is the strength through which all flows. Meaning, it is at the heart of the world. The world in which all live, consume, and treat each other with kindness; the very nature of the self. For to know all others is to be with all others in this environment. It is at sleep where one is founded in this nature. For it is sleep that replenishes the body with it, meaning kindness. Kindness is akin to positive energy. It generates that of like for like. So if one is being kind, one is also being "of" which in this case is being of the moment, and pure energy of the now time. (But we get off target for this discussion on today.) 

Today, just be thyself in body, mind, and spirit and feel the healing powers of the universe at work. They too replenish with love. Be of service, think in the now, and let the love shine through into you for sharing with self and sharing yourself to others of this time. Thank you.


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