Angel Guidance - For Givenness

Angel Guidance - For Givenness

Angel Guidance - For Givenness

You the person reading are more than just the person reading. You are of spirit and it is through spirit which all flows. It is in this time that the true spirit of the universe is given. Meaning we have come to ask you to be of service to yourself through "right" thinking. Meaning believe in yourself for who you are in body, mind, and spirit prior to giving of yourself to others.

It is through for givenness to yourself through which all flows. In creating love for yourself and being mindful of yourself, you take care of the self. this in turn prompts others to be and do of the same. It is based off of attraction. You seek and do of the same manner for which you strive. This strive, this ambition, this willingness to be of yourself for yourself gives back to others an amount of 'glory' or 'praise' through which they too now strive to do better. It is akin to the love through which all now flows.

For love is being of presence in body, mind, and spirit. It is through love in that we seek ourselves to be that of ourselves. For each person is born complete in body, mind and spirit. And it is through this 'right' thinking that one allows themselves to just be. The most beautiful and holistic and all encompassing element of time - which is now. Being in the now brings you harmony between body, mind, and spirit. And within this harmony you become that of alignment with "all that is" and "all that is not" - meaning you are in alignment with creation. Being in this state gives off to the world that which it needs to 'survive' - meaning the world is in harmony with you. 

All beings, places and things determine their own good fortune. It is by chance that one does not forgive or not give others that which they need. And it is by focusing on the self alone that one becomes all there needs to be for this lifetime. So for today, focus on the Now of a moment. Focus on that which is currently present. For if you find that there is disharmony, or discord within that moment of Now, you may dispose of it. For it is in your way to change that which you need. You are the creator. You are the designer. You are that of Now. Through this thinking process, you become all that is. This is harmony. This is love on all levels in being of body mind, and spirit. We will speak more on this later. For now, just be yourself - which means, look in the mirror of your soul mind. It is always telling you something. If you cannot hear, just focus on the one true being which is that of nature. By this we mean for you to listen to your body. not your mind. Is it healthy? The physical world is always a strong indicator of your inner sanctum. Begin at the beginning of that which is present, that which is "real." You may then move inward. And for those who know of their true essence we ask that you receive more. For it is through receiving nourishment of the soul that you are able to give more to the universe. For when all is healthy, all is whole. And we, including the reader, are parts of the sum that make up the whole. We end this here.


Additional information regarding "time" is often given in some of the writings I post. Time is something I've always been interested in. Especially "now" and being as present as I can be within it. I am also interested in its existence, which then calls into being my own existence and being self-aware. A little philosophical, a little metaphysical, a little quantum - but there it is. Thanks for reading this, Catherine.


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