Angel Guidance - I AM ALWAYS I

Angel Guidance - I AM ALWAYS I

Angel Guidance - I AM ALWAYS I

Today, we speak of why we (angels) are here. We hear your thoughts and prayers for well-being. We understand and know why you are here now. Thus we are able to help and assist you in achieving your goals and desires for self. For in the self is in the I of mankind. The self is your "I." The truest form of individualism by design, meaning (your) vibration. And it is of vibration that "masterful creation" is made. The matter through which you all see and touch of the self.

All beings are not created equally. They are created of equal measure in body, mind, and spirit - of which all souls uniformly exist as one. That is why you do not manage your soul, but your soul manages you so to speak. It is of you, and thus creates the uniform measure of which all think, say, and do. Through this one force or act of "god's way," a person may create that which they desire, need, or choose to have. Your soul manages you, not you manage your soul, in the sense that you are always centered. The soul is the "am" not the "I." The I realizes it to be true. I triggers the outcome to be true for you - understandably so - since it is the Creator. You/Me are the Receiver. Me, myself, and I, person, place, or thing, matters not. It is the "Whole" of each that predetermines the "Whole of All." Individually combined, we make up the Whole of All.

"I have" is a statement of "I am." And "I am" is a statement of Now. For in the Now, all is (considered as) created well-being. I am getting ahead of myself. For today, we wanted to remain in the Now of creation, the "why" So be it.

For today, realize your are of the self. Meaning you are who you are, not anyone else. Focus on I: I am, so and so. I am happy. I am free to be myself as I am in body, mind, and spirit. It is for I that I am alive and well in this day. I, I, I. that is the focus of today. "I am I," so be it. Thank you.


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